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Saturday, March 29, 2014

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES - Official Trailer (2014)

     The first trailer has finally been released for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  This is the reboot of the live action Turtle films and I'm gonna go out there and say right off that I am freakin' excited as hell for this movie.  Now this being a teaser trailer basically means it is in beta mode at the moment, which in turn means it is not the final product we are all gonna see in the theater.  I, for one think it looks pretty badass.  I may be biased because I have been a fan since the early comic book beginnings and I have seen them go through a whole ton of changes since then.  I just happen to be a huge fan is all.  I am still waiting for them to make the original cartoon series into a live action movie with Bebop, Rocksteady and Krang.  I just think it would be cool to see.  

     This reboot though I had my extreme doubts because as I have stated in previous posts I am not a fan of Michael Bay.  He has  tendency to destroy everything he touches by either trying to make it a testosterone filled film or at the very least have actual testicles in it like the second Transformers movie.  And since the early draft of the script word has it that the Turtles were Aliens?  WTF?  And that Donatello was gonna be a girl?  Double WTF?  I am so pleased that Bay got at least part of his head outta his own ass and make some things right before he started this.

     There is alot of people that are still a bit butthurt about the casting of Megan Fox as April O'Neil.  All I gotta ask is......Why?  She isn't hard on the eyes by any stretch of the imagination and if all the folks that have a problem with could have their way, who would they pick?

     I know it is only a teaser trailer after all and there should be a whole ton of more footage to come but I actually am hoping for one thing....Casey Jones!

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