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Sunday, March 30, 2014

What Ya Gonna Do When They Come For You?

     Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know, another Michael Bay picture.  I also know your thinking that if I don't like Bay movies then why do I watch them?  Well, for one this film is what Michael Bay does best.  Completely full of testosterone and a mans style of comedy.  Second, and just because he messes alot of things up doesn't mean there is some redeeming factor in them.  The factor in this one being...Bad Boys kicks ass!
     Will Smith, when he didn't have a huge head and Martin Lawrence when he had a career.  These 2 make probably one of the best buddy cop mixes ever.  Only better ones are maybe Lethal Weapon, but I still think this is better.  Their interaction seems very natural.  And all others do a good job but fall short when compared to the two headliners.
     The story is exactly like you would imagine from a buddy cop film so really nothing new here.  Pretty much all the antagonists are the same cliche villains as well.
     The action set pieces are pretty awesome and the car chase scenes are pretty spectacular too.  To end this I would definitely recommend this to anyone that likes the old 90's style action movies with a good versus bad scenario.  It is so funny at times as to make your stomach hurt from laughing too hard.  Very entertaining from start to finish so I dare you to watch it and not laugh at all.

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