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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Fuckin' Oscars!

  I haven't been on in a few weeks as I was moving to a different town and without internet for a bit.  But I am back on and while I was offline I did in fact watch a few movies.  Most of the films I watched were just okay, some were absolute shit and only one was absolutely spectacular.  The shit one I don't want to say much about is the remake of Robocop, complete trash and worthless.  You would think with all the great actors in it it would have been at least good, but Hell No!  Thats all I will write about that film.  The spectacular one was 12 Years A Slave.  In every possible way this movie was my choice for every single category it was nominated.  It did in fact win best picture and it deserves it more than alot of films that have won that prestigious prize.  It so deserved best director but instead lost to Alfonso Cuaron for that shitty ass Gravity.  The most horrendous upset for me was Chiwetel Ejiofor losing best actor to Matthew McConaughey.  If ever there was a man that had it in the bag it was Ejiofor, he was fuckin' robbed.  12 Years a Slave is one of the finest made films I have seen in a long while.  Ejiofor pointed like Babe Ruth and knocked it into the next state.  I am as upset over his loss as I was when The Hurt Locker won best picture.  I am done with Oscars. 

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