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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bay Is Dumb As A Rock!

     I wanna begin by saying I do like this movie.  I've liked it since I watched it the first time in the theater.  While I am not a very big fan of Michael Bay, mainly because pretty much every film he has ever made is ridiculous and could not ever happen, but they are kinda fun to watch with a huge bag of popcorn.  But this movie, The Rock, has some things that bug the shit outta me!
     First things first though, the acting is well...the same acting you would get in any Michael Bay film...barely passable, with the exception of Sean Connery.  To spoil some shit for you people reading this that the filmmakers made Connery's character John Mason to be...DING, DING, DING...James Bond if he were caught on U.S. soil in 1976 and like all Bond movies MI-6 would have to act as if he never existed.  That part about this film is something I think is way awesome and give Bay a really high five for.  All other actors in this, whether they have proved themselves in other films pre and post just do some Bay acting.
     Special effects are not many with one exception of the one guy being infected by the VX gas in the weapons vault which looks really cool and very painful.  The action set pieces are what Bay likes to do.  So, all the money for effects went into blowing shit up and fire.  Still kinda fun to watch though.
     So, about the unforgivable stuff.  I may be nitpicking a bit considering I was in the Marine Corps, which is most of the military branch in the movie, but the uniforms Mr. Bay, the uniforms.  Why the fuck can't they make the uniforms look right.  Marines have U.S. Marines and their last name stitched above their breast pockets on the camouflage utilities.  Just make the uniforms right to give people a bit of realism.  Okay, next thing is staying with the Marine thing, what is up with the hair?  All of General Hummel's men have stupid ass haircuts.  One guy has a wannabe topknot like he is a discount Samurai, and he isn't even Japanese.  There is another guy with a line around his head, now I know of the high and tight but he has no fade, just a line around his head.  Other ones have facial hair to the point of being way past stubble which is bullshit as well.  Now I know what your thinking, "But these guys are criminals and do not care about the Marine Corps regulations".  Well, I beg to differ on that subject.  The film takes place over the course of a few days, so at the beginning we have these guys in the state I just poorly described already.  One more thing on the Marine aspect, I hate it in a military based movie when they say "Oh 9 hundred", when anyone that has been in the U.S. military knows you say "Zero 9 hundred hours".  I don't know for sure but I think filmmakers have like a military consultant on set with them as to make it seem more realistic, if they don't then Michael Bay is dumb as a rock.
     I will say again I do like this film as a fun little action film and if anything it is a good way to spend 2 hours or so.  It is an obvious one for any action movie junkie and should not be missed.

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