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Friday, April 4, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Short Review

       I just got done watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier and well I can say this right at the beginning that is is friggin awesome.  Yeah I know, it kinda ruins the surprise.  
    I am a fan of comic book films for the most part but the first Captain America movie is by far my favorite one made so far.  This sequel to that film a very close second.  In this we finally get to see Cap do what he does in the comics and the cartoons, afterall he is kind of an acrobatic martial artist, but he gets to do all of it finally.  He was barely in any action in the Avengers film and the first Cap he was really just getting to know himself.  There is alot of action, hand to hand and a bit of bullet dancing and it's all choreographed very well.
     We get a new addition to the Marvel family in Falcon and I gotta say all Anthony Mackie's actions scenes are quite exhilarating and he is comic relief for the entire film.  Then we have the other title character in The Winter Soldier.  He has a cool little back story to explain where he came from 
     All the acting is done very well in my opinion, but I am also comparing it to the other Marvel phase films.  But it is acting quite well, all is believable all through it.  The story is quite engaging and seems at times kinda like a Bond film, I really mean that.  
     I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys comic movies or like an awesome government espionage type film.  It is easily one of the best Marvel movies to date.

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