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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Take on Vampires!

     I had never heard of this film before seeing it.  I read a mention of it on a movie sight that was about one of the movies stars, Saoirse Ronan.  I looked into it for that reason alone because every flick I have seen her in is really good because she is an outstanding young actress.  She is only 19 now, which leads me to believe she will have a very long career as an actress and I will watch her films for a long time as well.  She does a spectacular job in Byzantium and it doesn't surprise me at all.  Gemma Arterton does really well also or maybe it was because I thought she was just gonna be the films eye candy.  I was wrong and right at the same time.  She was in fact eye candy because, well she is hot and she is a very good actress as well in it.  Caleb Landry Jones is in this and I only have ever seen him in X-Men First Class.  He does a great job in this playing a cancer survivor that falls for Ronan.  Overall I would say everyone else is pretty believable.
     The story is good, different but good.  This isn't the same vampire story just redone with new actors in it even though it is directed by the guy that also did Interview With The Vampire.  Byzantium couldn't be any more different than Interview even if it had Tom Cruise in it.  Anyway these vampires don't have enlarged canine teeth instead they stab people with an enlarged thumb nail then drink the blood from the wound.  It really is refreshing to see an age old "Movie Monster" get a new age makeover.  The filmmakers even changed how a vampire is born.  And also surprise.....there are no sparkling vampires either.
     As far as special effects go there isn't much of it with the exception of maybe blood and an occasional finger nail going into a neck or arm.  So with the little there is in that arena, well done.
     I do highly recommend this movie because of the great acting and the fresh new vampire tale.  If you like vampire flicks that aren't scary check it out.  I really enjoyed it.

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