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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Movie About Toys But It's Not Toy Story!

     Legos have been around for a very long time as in since like the 30's when they were made out of wood.  When I was growing up in the 80's is when the modern day Legos came into existence, maybe it was the late 70's but I really don't remember that all too well as I was real little.  They have taken over the toy section of all stores and they have increased in price by a large margin.  But they are still pretty cool from the Star Wars and comic book sets.  Also the video games are completely addictive and are just plain fun and a way to spend an afternoon in a stress free way.  They finally decided to make a movie on the celebrated toys and it doesn't suck.
     In this film there is really a whole lot of voice actors in it.  I could name them all but that would take all day and it would be boring as hell if you had to sit there and read a bunch of names.  I will say that it contains about half of Hollywood.  The voice acting is absolutely spectacular and most people will be able to tell who is voicing each character.  
     Made entirely in CGI and it looks really good.  Considering the film is about a bunch of toys, which are made of plastic, it looks awesome.  Everything in it looks just like plastic from the close ups to the distance shots.  I mean, even the smoke, fire and water are made of the tiny block toys!  It really does look that cool.
     I gotta say this movie is pretty funny and also just plain fun to watch.  Obviously this was directed towards kids but I think the whole family will get a kick outta this movie.  It does have a ton of cameos from well known character from all kinds of old school cartoons, live action movies, artists and fairy tales.  Just trust me and check it out, after all it has Batman in it.  People like Batman!

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