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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Copycat, Copycat, Copycat, Copyca...Ah You Get The Point!

     Back in the 90's I had a very strong interest in serial killers.  Not in the "One day I hope to be like them" kind of way.  It was more like I enjoyed reading the true crime novels because the real stories are hell of alot better stories then any fiction novel.  I don't mean they are "better" stories but more like weirder, stranger and creepier.  They always say that truth is stranger than fiction and I do believe they were right.  There have been thousands of books and thousands of films on serial killers and most of them are completely made up and a whole bunch were loosely based on real stories.  I find the actual real story was so much more creepier and mind boggling than the made up stuff.  Let's take one of my favorite scary films, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  Although this is a great film and extremely creepy as hell, it was loosely based on a man named Ed Gein from Wisconsin.  The filmmakers had taken a few elements from the actual man and they managed to create a cinematic masterpiece.  But in all honesty, as I have been saying from the start, the real guy was a whole lot stranger.
     Now onto the film called Copycat.  I obviously watched this movie in the theater back in 1995 because as I stated before I am interested in the genre and I was senior in high school at the time and I lived in Maine and I can't emphasize enough how much of nothing to do there there really is.  I enjoyed the film and have watched it many times over the years.  It is a well made thriller with some great acting for the most part.  Sigourney Weaver does what she always has done and that's a good thing.  She really is a great actress and she plays a perfect agoraphobic, but the part I love about her character is the very quick like 5 second part near the end where she kinda goes all loony and doesn't care anymore.  Holly Hunter puts in a good job as well even if her character was written in an odd way.  I only say that because at times I have the feeling that her character never went to police academy and never learned how to deal with some certain situations.  I can't really give you specifics because I just have this sense during the movie.  But I can overlook that because she is just so petite and just good on the eyes.  I know that's probably a bad way to look at it but it's all I got.  I said that for the most part the acting is good and I meant it.  The only person I kinda have an issue with is William McNamara.  In everything I have ever seen him in he just doesn't make me believe any of his characters at all which leads me to, he just isn't a very good actor.  He seems way outta place in this as the story's killer.  I found it odd that when I looked up his filmography that he has been in so many roles and he isn't too talented.  Even more odd is the fact that I do enjoy a few of them including this one.
     A very good film all the way through.  It's not jumpy in the least as it's not a horror movie but a thriller.  I definitely would have to suggest not watching this with your kids if you have them because there is quite alot of crime scene photos that include mutilated people and nudity.  So, not a family movie which you probably got from the start with the serial killer angle.  If you like Silence of The Lambs and Se7en then I gather you will like this one too.

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