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Monday, June 23, 2014

The Cabin In The Woods Review - Not Bad For Being A Joss Whedon Written Film!

     On many occasions I have stated that I am in love with the horror genre.  The weird thing about this particular genre is that about 99% of them are not very good.  Most of them are just a rehash of popular horror stories that originated at the beginning of film itself, just sometimes they change something in a very minimal way.  But for some reason I still love them.  I really can't explain it anymore than that.  I can just tell you that I will watch them when I get my hands on them and even some of the really bad ones I watched more than once.  I think my personal favorite genre within a genre is "The Slasher".  I have a huge soft spot for the slashers that boomed in the late 70's and spread like the plague in the 80's.  they have made a comeback with a few newer ones but also have given us some terrible remakes.  And yes, I even watch them more than once.  I do believe that most every move made deserves a second chance.  Almost all films get labeled instantly after the first viewing, and using that logic there are a ton of films I wouldn't like today if that was my way of doing it. 
     So onto the basis for this article.  The Cabin in The Woods was labeled instantly as a throwaway film because it was just another slasher.  This one I did like on first viewing but I did watch it again almost right after I watched it the first time.  I just wanted to see extra stuff my eyes did not catch the first time.  And this film has alot of stuff to try and keep your eyes busy with.  There isn't really a twist in this movie but there kinda is at the same time.  What I mean by that is when you sit down to watch this picture with the run of the mill thinking about it being a normal slasher you are surprised during the first scene with something none of the others did before it.  Even the first time I watched the first scene and "it" happened I was like...uummmmm, WTF!  It does have a story like all the others but it just has the added somethingsomething that makes it stand out in a positive way.  You'll know what I mean when you see it.
     And just like all the films that came before this one it has some character cliches as well.  All have a jock, a nerd, a stoner, a chearleader/slutty girl and the very flawed main girl.  Cabin is no different.  It has them all and it makes you ask questions about the films it stole it's ideas from along the way.  Alot of people say that anyone that doesn't enjoy this film it's because they do not understand it at all.  That is not the case, this is a very easy movie to follow and it explains everything as well, so difficulty.
     The acting is done pretty well.  For the most part all is believable the entire time.  I would say the only people that anyone will recognize is Thor, Ellen Ripley and the two administrators for  Sigourney Weaver's cameo is a really awesome welcome sight and the other...classics from past films are a pretty cool set of cameos.  And on a little side note about the main actresses is they are both really good on the eyes, especially the main girl, Kristen Connolly.
     I loved this movie and will watch it many more time before I am finished watching movies forever.  It is just a plain fun spin on the old classics that I remember from way back in the days of old.  I would strongly urge anyone that likes horror with a dash of comedy added in for good measure that hasn't seen this to get it this very minute.  Even if you haven't seen the old slasher films it is quite easy to follow.  Only be warned there is massive amounts of blood spilled and some nudity and some language, but lets face it, what's this movie style without those three elements?

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