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Thursday, July 17, 2014

24: Live Another Day (2014)

     I remember back in 2006 when I had a roommate for one summer and he always watched this show and I always didn't pay attention to it because I thought it was stupid.  At the end of that summer I saw the episode where Jack Bauer infiltrates a Chinese consulate and that's how I got interested.  I wish I had waited to get interested in it until the end of season 8 so that way, when I got caught up to the show on T.V., I wouldn't have to wait a full week for a new episode.  When I started to get the show through Netflix I upgraded my service to 6 discs at a time so I could watch the entire seasons without waiting for another disc.  This was just before the onset of the streaming service that all enjoy now.  After the season 8 ended some 4 years ago I have been jonesing for more.  There were rumors throughout those years of a film.  Then nothing!  So now that I have finally finished watching the latest in the saga that is Jack Bauer, I can say it was worth the wait, I just hope they don't make a habit of going 4 years between seasons if they choose to make more.
     A few things I can say about the acting involved during the whole season, one of them being for the most part it is done incredibly well.  Jack Bauer is one of my all time favorite characters I have ever seen in any movie or show.  He is brought to spectacular life by Kiefer Sutherland!  It is my opinion, obviously I am writing this, that Sutherland should change his name to Bauer because he is the character.  100% believable in the role.  Everyone else is does above an excellent job, with one exception!  Gbenga Akinnagbe is probably one of the worst actors I have ever seen in my entire life.  He shows no emotion and is is laughable when he tries to show anger.  I would go so far as to say that who ever hired him to do this role should also never work in Hollywood ever again.  And the costume designer should be fired as well.  She even put the worst actor in the show into the worst outfit ever.  He is trying to show he is mad, all the while wearing a skin tight purple v-neck shirt and black skinny jeans.  WOW!  No one looks tough wearing that!  That's really all I can say about that.  
     The writing is phenomenal and that is something I have come to expect from this series.  I couldn't tell you if they are using proper terminology because I am not a government agent.  It seems awfully believable to me.  The effects are basically lots of explosions and people getting shot and other means of death; they all seem pretty believable to me.
     This show is absolutely spectacular.  To anyone that has not seen it I strongly urge you to start at the beginning and see how much your life just stops until you finish the series.  I also have a message for the people that say this show sucks, even though they only watched one or two randomly placed episodes.  You cannot watch this show like that.  You have to watch each season from the beginning in order to understand what is going on in the middle or later episodes.  I am telling everyone that this show is just stressful at the end of every episode and that alone makes you want to watch just one more episode before you go to sleep.  The problem with that is after that one episode you will want to watch just one more, then you have to go to work in the morning on no sleep at all.  It really is the only show I have ever watched that does that.  Give it a shot.
     Please let me know what you think about the "hopefully not last" season of 24.  I would love to hear about it.

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