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Monday, July 7, 2014

Under The Skin (2013) Review

     I don't really know where to begin here...SCARLETT JOHANSSON GETS NAKED!...but I will give it a go.  This film is essentially an aliens among us type thing.  I think this movie brings up more questions then it wants to answer.  Maybe you have to read the novel its based on in order to get the full view of what takes place here.  You may have to watch it a few times to get some certain things someone can do a full case study on this film and still not get everything.
     When it comes to the actors and their acting, Scarlett Johansson is the only known person in this film unless, I think, you live in Glasgow.  She plays the alien and this particular species is supposed to be devoid of feelings of any sort.  Anything that makes us human, she doesn't have.  She plays it perfect though because she really comes off as if she doesn't give a shit what is happening around her.  She also gets naked a few times, which is a plus.
     The special effects are good when they happen, which is few and far between.  The scenes with the black stuff is really cool if only just a touch weird.  The ending is really well done and it looks just like I would imagine something taking off a human skin suit would look like.
     This review will be short because I still am not sure if I even liked it or disliked it.  But I am sure I will watch it again and maybe come back to this review and revise it.  I can say to anyone that is on the fence about this film that it has a few incredibly boring sequences that almost bore you to tears but then at the end of it Scarlett Johansson gets naked.  Thumbs up!  Now just be warned that there is also some full frontal male nudity as well, for all those that like that sort of thing. I really want to know what other people feel about this film so sound off in the comments.

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