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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Divergent (2014) Review!

     Okay so I really cannot believe that I watched this film.  I know it is based off a book, which I haven't read because I think it's directed towards teen girls.  I am not sure.  So when I started to watch this I had it in my head that it was gonna suck at the get go.  I mean have you seen most of the posters for this movie?  Not the one I have above this but most of them?  Okay here it is...

     So how does Hollywood expect anyone to watch a movie with a poster like that?  But I did watch it, not knowing anything about the story or even who was in it.  So here are the big names that are in this film...Shailene Woodley (never heard of her), Theo James (never heard of him), and Jai Courtney (died in Spartacus).  Well, there are some actual big named people in it but they happen to be the secondary cast so I am basing this on the main cast.  They all do...exceptionally well!  I really mean it.  It surprised me that they did an even halfway passable job, but it was done well above my initial thoughts.  
     So as this is based on a novel I am sure that there are some people out there that think the whole thing sucks but I have to say, as someone that hasn't been weighted down by the reading of said novel, I can say it was written and directed well.  I did happen to look up the actors and found out they have all four parts of this series are in the beginning of production and I will watch all of them because this movie was done so well.  There is a slight love story in it and I like the fact that they made the movie about other things first and the love story is kinda a back story.  Usually it is done the exact opposite way.  I really have nothing to complain about when it comes to the production of this film.
     Since this is a dystopian future tale centered in Chicago most of the special effects are outside shots of the city all done in CGI.  The other effects in here are all stunt like effects.  Just basically people doing wall climbing and jumping off things.  It seems like the producers wanted to have the cast do a whole parkour thing but they didn't have the money to get a pro so they ended up with climbing stuff and jumping from things.  Not quite parkour to say the least.  It doesn't take away from the film at all, I just happened to notice it.
     I can recommend this to anyone that likes alternate reality type futuristic films.  I think it goes without saying that the young girls will love it because they all know the story.  But others should enjoy it as well, even with not knowing the story beforehand.   I can say though that if you have the same taste in flicks as I do then give it a shot because it surprised me.
     Let me know what you think in the comments!

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