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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Casino Royale (2006) Review!

     I like to think I have been a fan of James Bond since I can remember.  Only since I can remember because the first one that was released was the early 1960's with Dr. No.  As I was only born in the late 1970's is why I say since I can remember.  I didn't start at the beginning either.  If I am not mistaken I saw The Living daylights and License to Kill first.  Some may say I started during the worst time for 007.  I actually don't think so.  I do like all the Bond films in some way but I know I am gonna get lynched for this statement but...I think the first few were the worst ones made.  Most everyone thinks Sean Connery was the best Bond but I do not feel that way.  Well, for one thing those movies had him wearing just weird clothes to say the least.  You can't possibly be a badass international assassin wearing weird clothes...oh yeah, and don't forget the toupee!  My favorite for a long time was Pierce Brosnan for no other reason than he was the one chosen for Goldeneye, and lets all face it, until then that one set the bar.  But Brosnan did make 3 other Bond films that weren't very good overall.  They all have some kind of redeeming factor but they still failed somehow.  Maybe it was the diamond face guy or the invisible car, I don't know.
     In 2006 the world was given a new James Bond in the form of Daniel Craig.  Craig was instantly being trashed on the the news and the internet for being too blonde.  So, of all the things to complain about the world chose his hair color and not his acting skills.  I call bullshit on that.  I mean I only saw him in bit parts here and there but I still was open minded for what they were calling a more real James Bond.  So a very long time seemed to go by and we were given the first couple of trailers and I personally was not let down.  We still get a bunch of people talking smack and guess what it was about?  His hair color!  Come on lay off of it would you!  
     The film finally comes out in theaters and I was there opening day to watch this spectacle.  I even went with my then girlfriend.  Don't worry she wanted to go to it.  After watching it we both loved it but I think I did just a little more.  Blonde hair and all, Daniel Craig single handedly became the greatest Bond I have ever seen.  Finally, the world was treated with a new Bond that was based in real life and all the campy crap was thrown out the window.  This picture is very gritty and incredibly intense.  I love every minute of this movie.  It is written very well and acted just as well.  It has some absolutely hysterical comedy relief in parts and some very serious dramatic scenes.  What I can tell you is that there are no fancy gadgets other than cell phones.  It wasn't all begun from scratch though, because they did bring two things from the past and those are M is the same woman from the Brosnan era and the stupid names for the women.  
     All I will say is anyone that liked the whole previous additions to the series should check out the beginning of Bond in Casino Royale!  Because this is only an origin story for the world's greatest secret agent.  Check it out!

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