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Monday, July 14, 2014

Sabotage (2014) Review

     I can tell you this right now...I have been a fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger since back in the day.  I saw The Terminator when I was very young and have for the most part seen all of his films including the first ones like Hercules in New York when he went by the name Arnold Strong.  Another thing I can tell you is that if I were stuck in one place for the rest of my life with a blu-ray player and a T.V. with only one would be one of his films.  The one I would bring with me would be Terminator 2: Judgment Day.  I have seen it more than any other film in history, and that is saying something right there as I have sen alot of movies tons of times.  But T2 has everything I love or want in a movie like great action, fight scenes, good comedy relief, decent acting, good drama, awesome special effects and the role Schwarzenegger was born for.
     Now a bunch of years ago he took a small detour in his acting career because he thought he could be a Governor of California.  He came back to film very slowly with bit parts in the Expendables films and then was in The Last Stand, which I haven't seen and in Escape plan which I haven't seen either, both of which had bad trailers and bad reviews but I will watch them sometime to make my own decision.  About the film in question though, I have to say it is a damn good ride the entire time.  What I can say about the "real" Schwarzenegger return is...It's kinda like when Michael Jordan retired in 1993 and was gone for 2 seasons then made a triumphant comeback on March 19, 1995.  Yeah, this movie was that good.  After all he was the king of action films and this is a great action film and a spectacular comeback.
     I will start with the acting and for the most part it is decent.  I mean Arnold has always been known to be a not very good actor.  I beg to differ on this.  It is my opinion that most people say he is a bad actor because of his Austrian accent.  Ya know, for a guy who supposedly can't act, he sure has brought in a couple bucks from his movies.  He does do well here and I will debate it with anybody who wants to.  There are a few big named actors in here but really only one, other than Arnold, stand out.  That is Mireille Enos, and she is spectacular in this film.  She plays this character so perfect, and it doesn't hurt that she is good to look at.  I really do love how crazy she seems here and someone decided to give her a gun.
     The only effects to speak of is of the bloody type.  There is alot of blood throughout the entirety of the picture.  And most of those scenes are head shots so if your squeamish then you may want to pass this guy up.  Some places the blood seams a little off hue to me.  One place the blood will be ketchup red and the next it looks like dirty 10w-30 car oil.  So maybe a bit inconsistent if you will.  But it still didn't deter me from wanting to finish it.
     I think the movie was written and directed pretty good so I have no complaint there.  But what I do have a problem with was the people that are in charge of hair for the film.  Some of the hairstyles are just out of this world crazy shit.  These guys are supposed to be part of the FBI so why do they have these weird hairdos?  For one, why does one guy have corn rows?  Let me rephrase that a bit...Why does a white guy have corn rows?  No white guy in history has ever been able to pull that look off at all.  It looks ridiculous to me.
     I can honestly recommend this to any Arnold fan because you will not be disappointed.  Also to any action film fan and mystery who-done-it type film fans as well.  Probably shouldn't watch it with your kids for all the semi-realistic violence that occurs during the whole movie.  But just know that Arnold has returned for sure.  Let me know what you think in the comments.  

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