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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Time To Kill.....Seriously Though, I Don't Blame Him!

     The next stop in my Prison/Courtroom film haze is this little gem from 1996.  With probably Samuel Jackson's single best role he has ever played, as a man looking for revenge against some extremely racist southern white boys that did him wrong.  Everyone knows him as Nick Fury now but he was way better when he actually acted.  It is in my honest opinion that Matthew McConaughey put in one of his very best as well!  I think miles ahead of even the film he won best actor for.  Sandra Bullock's character is well done but could probably be switched out for any other main stream actress, although I do believe she is at her most beautiful in this film.  Not like that has any baring on how good the movie is, just saying!
     Again, this being a drama, the special effects are limited to blood and acts of violence so that is all I will say about this aspect of the film.
     The story is written incredibly well as it is based on a John Grisham novel of the same name.  I have not read this particular novel but I have read 1 or 2 of his books in the past so I know they are well written.  Obviously, this film was not script written by the novelist but even if they change or delete certain things, the original writing still shines through, and it does shine extremely well in this picture.  
     I love this movie and have seen it a few many times and it has yet to get old so I will probably continue to watch it every few years or so.  Recommendation for this is high, so if you haven't seen it and love drama then shame on you for overlooking this!  And if you have seen it, then watch it one more time to get reacquainted with it because it is really that good!   

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