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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Whoever Said "Less Is More" Is Wrong!

     Like I said at the end of the last posting...onto The Legend of Drunken Master!
     This film came out a full 16 years after the first part and I really am not sure as to how well they are connected because I seem to remember his dad in the first being a martial artists instead a pharmacist.  But, either way they are connected.  
     This one has more of a story then its predecessor and also infuses old school Jackie with the worldwide known new school Jackie.  I may be hurting some peoples feelings when I say this but I believe this film is miles ahead of the previous outing.  Jackie has proved, well he proved it before this, that he really is just a master of martial arts.  And in the almost 2 decades it took for the producers to make this sequel he has fully mastered the art of drunken boxing.  He is absolutely amazing from start to finish in this film.  If you want to see the man at the peak of his performance then go no further then this picture!
     This is a really short review but what can I say?  It is just amazing and you should go out right now and find a copy of this film 

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