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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thems Is Some Disturbed Old People!

     Kinda at a loss for words on this one!  Not a complete loss but I can tell you one thing for sure!  At the end of this film my jaw was on the floor and my mind was in shambles!  All I could really say to myself was, "What the F!@k did I just watch?".  
     I have seen all the American films in this "kinda" category, those being the likes of all the Saw films and the Hostels as well.  Both those franchises are tame when compared to this French movie.  This has some very cringe worthy scenes in it, and by some I mean a ton.  Alot of torture and psychological mind****s!  That goes for the characters and the viewer.
     I think, I emphasize think, that it is acted very well.  By that I mean the "torturers" seem like they have no sympathy, no heart.  The "tortured" seem pretty real in that they appear to be in some serious pain whether it be physical or mental.  There are equal parts of each within.  
     The writing is just another of the same just from a different angle is all.  Instead of the main characters being taken at the beginning, then the meat of the film takes place, then they get away from the bad guys just all kinds of messed up like.  In this the order is scrambled to the point of trying to trick the viewer he is watching something different, but in reality it's the same.
     Martyrs takes an almost religious turn at the ending when we finally figure out why these people are being tortured like they are.  I say almost because if you check the forums for this film it is quite apparent that the ending is up for your own interpretation.  I personally see the old people at the end as a religious cult.  I don't know for sure because the film doesn't tell you anything about them at all.  It is just my interpretation of the end.
     To finish I will have to say to anyone that is thinking about watching this that this is not family friendly, not like anyone could read the back of the film and make that mistake.  It is chock full of human torture and destruction and may psychologically damage the person that is not ready for what happens throughout.  So, as I have said before...You have been warned!

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