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Sunday, May 11, 2014

And You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back In The Water!...Wrong Movie Again.

     If you have a squeamish stomach, Do not watch this film!  If you have trouble with bad acting, Do not watch this film!  If you have a problem with bad CGI effects, Do not watch this film!  If you have a problem with gratuitous nudity, Do not watch this film!  Got all of that?  Now we can continue.
     I love this movie!  I love it for what it is.  And what it is is a throwback to the 70's exploitation grindhouse movies.  As I said before, this has pretty bad acting from all involved.  Every single actor, even the ones you know to do a good job most of the time, are bad.  And the bad actors do an awesome job being bad.  So the only Oscar your gonna see here is there may be someone with that name on the crew, but I am still not sure of that.
     When it comes to the practical effects, they are done really well.  I mean that too as they are pretty gruesome and look cool.  The CGI effects on the other hand are terrible.  They are almost as if a 10 year old was doing them on his own Wal-Mart brand PC.  But in their defense though they are pretty fun to watch at the same time. It was filmed specifically for 3-D and I am not the one to like that sort of thing.  I believe that any film in 3-D loses alot in the process because the filmmakers purposefully throw shit at the camera.  Just a stupid gimmick to me that they use to hike up the price of a movie ticket.  So whether you watch this film in 3-D or not it still is just kinda fun to watch.  Just don't think into it too much.  Something that is not special effects but is awesome is Kelly Brook is in this movie.  She can't act but damn if she isn't good to look at.
     Piranha was directed by Alexandre Aja.  The man behind the remake of The Hills Have Eyes and the awesome french film Haute Tension.  So the man knows his way around a bit of gore.  I do believe he did a good job, considering the script he had to work with and what he was trying to accomplish with it.  What I believe he was trying to accomplish was to make a fun movie.  Not for a dramatic story, just a movie you can watch and get lost in its absurdity.  Like the way movies used to be made.  I like this movie alot and have returned to it a few times just for its ridiculous nature.  

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