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Friday, May 2, 2014

Saw That Coming A Mile Away!

     I knew nothing of this film before watching it other then I know the city it is named after is destroyed by a volcano.  So, I naturally think to myself that I know the ending.  Kinda like watching Titanic, I don't care who you are, you know the gist of the story.
     I will start by saying there is a large all-star cast in this led by Kit Harington, Emily Browning and Jack Bauer.  Some do pretty okay and some do incredibly bad. Joe Pingue is so terrible that I was shocked to read he had so many acting credits.  He is just bad, no other words describe it.  And it saddens me to say that one of the worst ones is Jack Bauer, pretty upsetting to say the least.  I add one simple question to this section.  This film takes place in Italy, a place where Italian should be the language.  Why do film makers think that if you have to make the movie into English because Americans refuse to read subtitles, how is it an English-ish accent take its place?  It makes no sense and this isn't the only film to do it.  All do it when they need English words but have it take place in a none English speaking country.  Very not cool in my eyes!
     A very pretty movie though.  Great effects  throughout for the most part. I would have to say that 90% of the effect are damn good.  The eruption itself kinda takes place in the background but looks wicked cool when it is on screen.
     This picture is a meld of a few different films.  It has a Romeo and Juliet thing going on, a Gladiator thing going on and a Titanic/Disaster movie thing going on.  It really is just Titanic with the ship taken out and replaced by Mount Vesuvius but it still has bit parts of the others thrown in for good measure.
     I enjoyed it a little bit but just the fact as I knew the outcome it takes alot away from the dramatic pieces so this may have an effect on all who watch it.  So, unless you have been living under a rock and never heard the story of one of the most infamous volcano eruptions in history then you may enjoy it just that much more because you don't already know the ending.

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