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Monday, May 5, 2014

It Comes Full Circle!

     I really can't believe this film came out a decade ago now.  I was living in California at the time when it was released and had quite a build up to it with the trailers and such.  I really could not wait for it.  It seemed like we finally had a new and original story for a horror flick.
     So the story goes like I'm just kidding, I told you I wasn't gonna give a synopsis of any film so I am gonna stand by that.  Unless you want me to, in which case just sound off in the comments section below.  I would have to change my whole strategy then.  The original story part I mentioned is that this film's about a serial killer that doesn't kill people.  That's all you get.
     The acting is passable at times and then just freakin terrible at other times.  There are no true standouts as everyone involved does a good scene and a bad one right after or vice versa.  But in its defense though, horror movies are not known for their acting.  Scary movies aren't even known for it.  With the very few like The Silence of The Lambs being the obvious difference.
     The Saw films have gotten a reputation of being the beginners of the "Torture Porn" genre of films.  Sad to say that but it is true.  Even sadder is it wasn't until part 3 where we get that style of film.  The first one is a first rate thriller with a good and different story that shows minimal amounts of blood and gore.  It is my favorite of the series by far and the only one to live up to the hype.  From part 2 and onto part 7 I believe the filmmakers lost their way in a very extreme way.  Instead of the stories having an actual story they decided to see just how much gore they could put into each sequel in an attempt to raise the "Gore Bar"!  The director of the first, James Wan, did a great job and then jumped ship and went on to make some other very interesting horror films.  I kinda wish he stayed on with Saw so we could have had it done the proper way.  But if he stayed we wouldn't have Dead Silence, Insidious or The Conjuring.  He appears to have a thing for dolls!  But he had one thing right with them, dolls are freakin creepy!
     If you are in the market for some Saw films I would suggest stopping after part 1.  The sequels add some interesting back story but if you have a weak stomach you may want to skip them.  But first is, like I said, a first rate thriller and shouldn't be missed by any lover of horror.

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