I am gonna be real with everyone about this one. I liked it. No kidding. I remained glued to my TV throughout the entire picture. The actors are mostly not well known but there a couple you may have seen before like the dude from Heroes TV show. But really they are all unknowns to me for the most part. Considering that I went into this movie with expectations already in the dirt, I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did. By the title alone it would seem this was made for the Sify channel, and it could have been, I don't know for sure. Don't be fooled by what I just said, because even though I said I liked the film doesn't mean it is acted well. On the contrary, the acting is atrocious but the Mexican security guard is funny as hell. Yeah that's the shining light for this one.
The special effects are...odd...to say the least. There are a few times where the effects are almost unbearable. Although, there are a few time where they are done really well. Weird in this age of CGI to have a movie with good and terrible effects all rolled into one. It goes back in forth too. One minute it looks almost grade "A" effects, then the very next scene it looks like something worse than the worst "B" film you have ever seen. But, I still enjoyed the movie a bit.
The story...ummm? Just look at the name and the poster for the film and you could probably surmise as to the story, so it shouldn't be a shocker at all.
Go into this one with some low expectations and you will like it I think. If you go in thinking your in for an Oscar treat then you will be severely let down after the opening scene alone. Just pop some corn and have a few drinks and have a good time with a film you need no brain cells for at all. Unless your afraid of spiders! In that case be drunk and grab a pillow to cover your eyes, because like the title says...it is a Big Ass Spider!
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