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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

That's Really The Title?!

     While I was at work today Warner Bros. decided they wanted to release the actual title of the Man of Steel sequel without talking to me first.  I know you're probably saying that they don't need to ask me, well I beg to differ because they gave it a stupid ass name.  I knew it was gonna be based around the first meeting of Batman and Superman, where they fight, which is stupid even in the comics to have these 2 fight because it is completely one-sided.  Before all fanboys (other than me) give all their dumb reasons why Batman should win I just want to point out that Batman is HUMAN with no powers whatsoever other than he has money.  Supes is an ALIEN and is naturally strengthened by our yellow sun.  And I don't think old Bats is gonna snuff out the sun so he has no chance.  But back to the title of this film.  It is called Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice!  I hate it!  No movie in the history of the world has ever been really remembered with a "someone versus someone else" title.  With the exception going to the many Godzilla films by Toho.  I don't really mind the Dawn of Justice part but I sincerely hope Warner Bros. changes the first part.  I would even prefer them to call it Man of Steel Part 2 or maybe just plain Superman or lets get crazy and call it Justice and base it off the graphic novel guessed it...Justice!  If DC comics has any hope in their tiny little heads to regain the title that was stolen by Marvel comics I believe a good place to start would be the title of this film.  The Justice League has the potential to be so much bigger than that messed up Avengers movie (I have ton of things in my head as to why I said that) and they are starting off on a broken foot that's only been taped up while having no crutches!  I know also that DC and Warner Bros. want to maximize profits on this one and let's face it...the Batman name sells.  So, obviously they want it in there!  But the poster they released with the name pretty much gets the point across without the words.  I would seriously much rather them not make anymore Superman movies if the only way it will make money is to put Batman in it.  I don't mind Bats at all, I find him cool as hell and want to see him and Supes in the same film but I don't want the film to be shitty at the same time.  Warner Bros. started off strong in my eyes with the release of the Bat suit last week.  They just took a giant step back with the more than stupid title.

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