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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil

     I've known of this film for quite some time but for some odd reason it never struck me as something I would be interested in.  What's even weirder is the fact I have a fairly long relationship with cheesy B movies.  A good relationship too, mind you.  But, I never saw a trailer for this until recently and that is what got me to really watch it.  And watch it I did.
     This film is s whole lot of fun!  And I really mean it.  It is a cross between Friday the 13th, Evil Dead and a really good comedy.  I have no name for a comedy in this particular realm so that is what I used.  The picture is basically a mistaken identity and that is all I will give you for the story.
     Acting is okay.  Some are really bad but in my honest opinion the two main characters, Tyler Labine, who I've never seen before and Alan Tudyk, who I only remember from the awesome Firefly series.  They do play the hillbillies quite well and are the real reason for the comedy throughout the entire film.  The other actors are kinda forgettable and at times just annoying but the main two are reason enough to watch this little known gem.
     Directed by Eli Craig, I ain't gonna lie to you, I have never heard of him and had to look him up myself to see what else he did.  And what I found out was he is known for not much at all.  He did direct the T.V. version of Zombieland which I didn't see and was canceled, I believe before it even aired.  But I will say that if he keeps making films in this style then I think he can have a good career.  Mr. Craig also wrote the movie and it was written well because I laughed and was generally interested in it.  The two main guys were very funny and believable as morons.
     Anyways, give this film a chance if you like B movies or comedies or a film that makes fun of an old slasher flick.  I enjoyed it immensely.

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