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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"If They Board, Kill Them All!"

     A few years I remember a friend of mine had recommended this movie to me because he knew I enjoyed either scary movies or weird movies or a mixture of the two or just movies in general.  In that he wasn't wrong.  A few years have gone by and I finally got around to watching Triangle.  I thought from the poster it was a film about the Bermuda Triangle and there was a killer on a boat.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  I mean it even starts like an old 80's slasher film.  Some young 20-30 somethings all get on a sail boat to go have a good day until things go wrong and they are chased down by a maniac.  That's only a part of this little known picture.  Actually that's not even what it's about and you will know what I mean if you just sit down and watch it.  I am right but I am so wrong at the same time.
     It's acted pretty well.  Melissa George is really the only one on screen at all times and she does a very good job.  She does even better considering what is going on with her in the film, which I can't disclose here because it will ruin the whole thing for you.  Only other known actor in this is Liam Hemsworth, but he isn't even a big character in this picture nor was he even known at the time of the films release.  But while he is in it he does good.  The rest of the cast also does good but Miss George is the standout, as she should be since she is the only seasoned Hollywood actress in it.
     I won't talk about the special effects at all other because than they are just par for the course here.   I think the writer is very talented to be able to weave such a...weird but compelling story that screams for a few consecutive watches.  I say that because after the first viewing of it you are left with a ton of questions.  Or at least I was so I am assuming others have as well.  There are many a time during the course of the movie where you will definitely doing a bit of out loud WTFing to your TV.  
     I liked it and will watch it again so I would recommend it to people that enjoy some mystery and weirdness in their movies.  Don't watch it on a night when you just want to have a good time and not think because you will be thinking.  And also one last thing, if you must have a bathroom break at all make sure you pause it, you may come back and be totally lost. 

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